Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alison Redford; Fraud or Friend

When Alison Redford became Minister of Justice and Attorney General under Ed Stelmach on March 13, 2008 she took an oath to uphold the office in the best interest of Albertans, but her actions since have been anything but "honorable". What follows is what I have learned about the real Alison Redford.

First, some background as described to Premier Ed Stelmach;

Feb. 9, 2010

Mr. Stelmach,

Since 2006 I have been trying to get you to investigate lawyer fraud and possible corruption in departments designed to protect Albertans and all you have done is pass the buck to others to sweep under the rug, confirming the fact there is a level of corruption in your government.

What I am referring to here is fraud by 2 small time lawyers Hamish Henderson of Edmonton and Martin Driessen of Barrhead. Henderson was hired for me by Alberta Legal Aid to act in my best interest when a former girlfriend moved out of my house and hired Driessen to represent her. These two conspired to defraud me by hiding evidence, conducting an improper Discoveries Hearing and submitting false information to the presiding judge, costing me over $31,000.00.

Complaints to the Alberta Law Society have been treated much like your responses. They continually claim there is not enough evidence that a fraud has been committed to investigate. A response from Henderson is peppered with lies and as far as I know they have never asked Driessen to respond to my accusations. Although I have a large folder proving evidence of the fraud the ALS has also refused to grant me a chance to sit with them and put my proof on the table.

Numerous correspondence to Alberta legal Aid has proven equally fruitless. As they were responsible for providing Henderson, they should be concerned with how he conducts business but they have assumed the position of believing Henderson’s lies submitted to the Alberta law Society and also refusing to view my documentation.

Alberta Justice and the Solicitor General have not reacted to my complaints, and have taken the position of leaving this in the hands of the Alberta Law Society who are assuming the position of final authority and obviously protecting their own in this matter.

This case has caused me 7 years of stress and your government is to blame for ignoring lawyer fraud and continually denying me my rights to fair and impartial hearing and refusing to investigate.

Result; Ed Stelmach did not respond

Then to Alison Redford;

Sent March 11, 2010
To Alison Redford

ministry of justice

Ms. Redford,

I am not amused nor surprised that you continually support criminal activity in Alberta.

It's easy to see where your priorities lie when you deny Albertans the right to fair hearing and refuse an investigation into fraud and corruption by 2 crooked lawyers protected by Alberta Legal Aid and the Law Society of Alberta. Decades of ignoring the facts and concealing evidence seem to be a bad habit with this government. Albertans deserve to know the truth about the type of people we have making our laws and who they apply to.

Vern Redel


Then the response from Redford's office

Legal Services Division

9833 - 109 Street

Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5K 2E8

Mr. Vern Redel


Dear Mr. Redel:

RE: Legal Aid

Our File No.:

Your File No.:

March 25, 2010

General No: 780/422-0500

FAX No.: 780/425-0307

Thank you for your email dated March 11, 2010 to Honourable Alison Redford, a.c.,

Minister of Justice and Attorney General regarding your complaint with the Law Society

of Alberta and your concerns with Legal Aid. I have been asked to respond on behalf of

the Minister. .

In previous replies to you dated March 3, 2009 and May 12, 2009, previously attached

for your reference, and March 3, 2010, you were advised that the responsibilities and

jurisdiction of the Minister of Justice and Attorney General are such that neither the

Minister nor any official of Alberta Justice can become involved in private legal matters.

As there is nothing further we can add to the information already provided, this will be

our final reply on the matter.

Yours truly,

~C. Milroy

Research Officer

I'm sure there are many other Albertans with similar stories that are ignored by the press, who have been mistreated by this government and it's members.

So Alison Redford now wants to be Premier of Alberta.
Try to imagine being in my position with her at the helm.

For other interesting info. see;