Friday, March 12, 2010

Why This Blog Site?

Over the last 38 years Alberta has been over-run by unscrupulous people as a source of personal wealth; either by joining the provincial PC government or by being close friends of people in government.
There is a web of deceit and cover-ups when public money ends up in the hands of personal friends or corporate buddies.
We are being ruled by corruption; through cronyism, nepotism, patronage, and graft.
Albertans deserve to know the facts; Because the premier is head of Public relations we only get his spin through the media.
The elitist PC government have decided they don't care what ordinary Albertans need or want. Time in office has given them a feeling of a lifetime of entitlement as they write their own paychecks from the public treasury while they dismantle public health-care, close schools, allow lawyer fraud, deny seniors' care, sell public property to pay their debts from random spending, let utility companies increase fees, allow corruption in WCB, indulge in world travel, and give un-repaid ATB loans to people like the Brick's Bill Comrie, Peter Pocklington, and West Edmonton Mall.
As lawmakers they have not, and will not make laws against graft and political corruption.
Remember people; They are public servants. It's OUR province! We are their bosses.
As their employers, what should we do with employees who can not be trusted, or abuse their positions by working 45 days in the year, write their own checks, falsify reports, and raid the company accounts?

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