The Edmonton Sun wrote on Saturday, March 27/2010
My comments are in bold and parenthesis >( )
Ed defends cuts to social programs
Premier Ed Stelmach vowed to continue to protect the province’s “most vulnerable” individuals as the government cut spending for some social programs through the recession.
(as we read though we find this "vow" is more to protect Yvonne Fritz, making it moot. The word "continue" is meant to imply they care)
Tabling the budget for the 2010-2011 fiscal year, which was passed Thursday, required “tough choices and tough decisions,” said Stelmach at the Hotel MacDonald on Friday.
(Stelmach displays his style of belt-tightening here by using the Hotel MacDonald for his speech while the York sits empty. His self-imposed raise is still in place plus the April 1 increases for all. pure BS )
“Our goal is to tighten spending from administration wherever possible. We recognize that it may mean some rationalization of services and it may mean some services are reduced,” he said.
(Meaning he defends the cuts to social programs)
“My objective, and that of the minister’s, is take whatever steps we can to minimize impact to clients.”
(cuts that people might not notice immediately )
The premier’s comments came following a week of backlash from critics charging the government for cutting funding for foster children with special needs.
(Stelmach goes into damage control to try to minimize the fallout.)
NDP critic Rachel Notley released the incriminating documents on Monday that showed plans to reduce funding. That information had been presented to foster parents the previous week by Edmonton and area Child and Family Services Authority staff, with rules to come into effect April 1.
(Notley just caught this in time, just before the cuts were to come into effect. If she had taken it to Fritz first, it would have been swept under the rug and delayed until April 1)
Children’s Services Minister Yvonne Fritz immediately apologized, claiming she was not aware of the plans and that department staff were told two weeks ago that there would be no cuts to the program.
(A LIE. Fritz got caught and quickly dreamed up an excuse. As minister, If she did not know what's going on in her department she should be fired! )
She later told reporters she believed the plans had been scrapped last year.
(Fritz is the minister but knows nothing about current events in her department).
“This came up a year ago and, according to her, that was already put to bed,” Stelmach said Friday, adding Fritz is slated to meet with the families.
(Yea right Ed. According to her. The year-old plan backfired and Stelmach is still in damage control.)
“My concern is, that this was taken off the table according to the minister, and this is still floating out there. Then there is a need to ensure that there’s clear communication either between foster parents or those agencies, who have had something given to them by whoever is communicating information that is contrary to what’s in the budget.”
(Contrary to PC code that enforces secrecy among government staff until the plan is in place. Someone blew the whistle. Either Stelmach is clueless or Fritz is lying to Stelmach.)
Rick Semel, CEO of the Edmonton and area Child and Family Services Authority, resigned from his position on Wednesday. Stelmach would not comment on whether Semel received a severance package.
(watch for this guy Rick Semel to reappear in another department. And Stelmach has no right concealing information concerning public expenses. Non-compliance should mean Stelmach's immediate dismissal during a public inquiry.)
Vern Redel
UPDATE; When you kick over a rock you never know what form of snake you'll find.
Rick Semel is married to Patricia (Patty) Meade, former CEO of Alberta Health Services. The Alberta PCs (Politically Corrupt) don't try very hard to hide the facts they make patronizing appointments to keep their friends happy with public funds.
Liberals slam province's spending on bonuses and severance packages
Updated: Wed Sep. 02 2009 16:41:44
Critics are crying foul about the Alberta government spending millions on severance packages, while at the same time spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on bonuses.
After months of correspondence with the government, the Alberta Liberals say they finally received the full disclosure and the severance package of former CEO of Alberta Health Services Patty Meade.
For less than nine months of work, Meade received $1.3 million of taxpayer's money. And included in that, was a $257,000 bonus for work that Liberals argue was never performed.
"Taxpayers have every right to question this government as to why they continue with these lavish payouts at a time when we're restricting and limiting access because supposedly we have a shortage of funds to public health care," said Hugh MacDonald, Alberta Liberal finance critic.
Alberta Health Services current president and CEO Dr. Stephen Duckett says Meade's severance package was her legal entitlement.
However, Meade's contract says her bonus would be two times the average annual bonus, which can be up to 25 per cent of an employee's annual salary.
But the problem is she worked less than nine months with no bonus paid, therefore there is no average.
"All I will say is that is the contract she had with Alberta Health Services and we abide by the contract," said Duckett.
Duckett says Meade was terminated without just cause as part of restructuring and shortening the lines of communication.
MacDonald says he's been asking Health Minister Ron Liepert to explain the large severance package and the bonuses. The Liberals say they received a letter from Liepert stating, "Our government offers clear, positive alternatives to all Albertans. I believe these choices offered may provide you with some insight as to why we continue to be successful."
"Whenever I ask questions you just get cheek back from him, you never get a straight answer," said MacDonald.
With files from CTV's Kevin Armstrong
NOW; "Who is Patricia (or)Patty (or)Paddy Meade,
and why should we care?" you might ask. She has been lurking around the Alberta PC backrooms and getting some pretty choice appointments. It kinda makes one wonder what her true talents are.
From the Alberta Government site;
Patricia Meade, Deputy Ministers of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development: 2000-2004
Paddy Meade, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services in the Northwest Territories: 2009-2011
A little research goes a long way, and I could probably dedicate a whole post about Ms. Meade indulging herself in public troughs, but frankly, when I started looking her up I didn't expect to find a pattern of taking government appointments, then leaving soon after. And no doubt, with fine severance packages.
Vern Redel
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